
May 2, 2010


I awoke to a symphony this morning, as beautiful birdsong filled the air.

I purposely keep my bedrooms curtains on a tension rod and hang them lower on the windows so my eyes can first see Nature upon awakening.
There is a delight to each season, from birds in the trees, to the varied colors of Autumn, to the way the snow clings to the branches.

This morning, in addition to birdsong, I heard branches breaking and crackling just beyond the pines. A family of deer were making their way through the woodlands stopping to eat delectables along the way.
It was one of those moments when I needed to be still and appreciate the moment, to take in their beauty without running off to get the camera and hoping to get a shot before they disappeared.

I was inspired to start my Sunday Stroll earlier this morning even before horses were fed. Nature was calling me.

Creatures were everywhere . . .

even the hens and ducks, who weren't locked in their houses, had survived the night .. thank goodness!

New life was springing forth everywhere I looked. . . 




May your day be happy 
and may you make discoveries that fill your heart with JOY.


  1. I'm having trouble with my internet connection today. You may get two versions of this comment! :)

    Anyway... Your photos are lovely, green, and bright! We are having a breezy, overcast Sunday. I'm so glad you shared your beautiful early stroll through nature!

  2. What a delightful, colorful fun walkabout. Thanks for letting me tag along. I especially liked the birds, wild and tame. I have a terrible time trying to catch pictures of birds that aren't blurred.

  3. Thank you to both of you.

    I usually have blurred birds in my pictures too but I lucked out this time. I used my daughter's camera, it probably helped. It's much better than mine.


  4. A lovely Sunday stroll. Great photos of the birds.


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