March 19, 2012


A quote for Monday. . . 

"I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples." 
                                                              ~Mother Teresa of Calcutta

                             happy day!

March 18, 2012


    The mallards are back at our pond . . .

    The Vinca blooms. . . 

    The turtles bask in the sun . . .

    The daffodils  grow taller . . . 

    The Phoebe sings atop the Hemlock tree . . . 

    The Pussy Willows  emerge . . . 

   The Lilies poke through the earth. . .

    And our horses lie down in the sun.

The greening of the earth is upon us . . .  a time for new beginnings. I begin again with my blog. I feel refreshed from my winter's rest.:)

Happy day! Happy almost Spring!

March 17, 2012


Have you made a NEST HELPER for the bird's yet? It's not too late!

 We recycled chicken wire this year, cut it into squares and formed different shapes. 

Next we went on a nature walk and collected dried grasses, feathers, leaves, small twigs and pine needles. We also added angora rabbit fur, horse hair, and two inch pieces of yarn. 

 We attached a longer string to hang it from a branch outside so the birds can take what they need for their nest.

    See what we made last year here, and the year before here.

 It is fun to watch to see what the birds choose. Give it a try!

                                  happy day!