August 11, 2010


I have been blessed with another award, this time from Martianne, who said,

"And one blog I am Wild AboutBesides a Montessori school or a Reggio school, if there were one pre-school I would send my kids to for a few days a week (if I had money), it would be a Nest in Nature, a local place that offers gentle learning, lots of creativity and a ton of outdoor time!  Marcia, who runs it and who I have yet to meet in person, has a delightful blog full of inspiring photos, reflections and ideas about nature, art, green living and embracing the beauty of the child within each of us.  I think others will love visiting Child in Harmony! "

Thank you so much Martianne. I really appreciate your kind words. It's great to be loved . . . and to love what I do :)

I have NEW plans for My A Nest in Nature preschool. It will take a new direction this fall and will evolve into a gathering for parents and children....more like a playgroup and inspired by Waldorf, Reggio and natural learning. 

I am very excited for this new venture. It will be a time for parents to gather with their children (birth to five) to explore and discover nature, interact with animals, make art, and craft with and for their children. There will be time for children to play with natural and interesting materials and parents to converse with other like-minded persons. 

It is my vision to connect like-minded individuals together, who want a slower and gentler pace for their children and themselves, and to inspire and support a *richness* of life through natural learning and a deep connection to our natural world. 

  happy day!

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