February 16, 2010

Heart to Heart

 I am enamored with nature and for me there is never enough.

My house is full of windows to let the sunlight pour in and to see the natural world where ever I am. The long kitchen windowsill is lined with various shapes and colors of rocks, to stack and play with and to just make me smile.

A rounded glass oak curio cabinet houses most all our special finds and keeps them dust free. Various baskets are here and there filled with objects to touch and observe, from smooth white stones to spongy lichen and acorn tops.

 I am always bringing in branches and other objects that stir my soul, even though some eyes may roll, "what does she have now? "

Nature is BEAUTY.  It inspires me and energizes me. It makes me want to create. And it is how I like to decorate. 

Nature is vital and connects all of life. It is math and science and art. It increases awareness and sharpens observational skills, and most importantly, soothes the soul. It is inexpensive and available to all of us and is just waiting to enrich our lives in so many ways. And one thing always leads to another.

I am passionate about connecting children with nature, (and adults too!). I wish for each child to be inharmony... in harmony with nature, in harmony with others, and in harmony with their own unique self. And for adults, to tap into the child inside each of us, to give ourselves that *permission* to play and create and learn and dream . . . to be in harmony.

Hence the name of this blog,
child in harmony

I will be sharing inspirations in nature finds, nature activities, stories and poems, art projects, repurpose and recycling projects, learning and parenting tips and life experiences and wisdom.

It is my hope to inspire you, to expand your world, to encourage you
to fill your world to the brim with more nature and JOY

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