July 26, 2010


 I have a soft spot when it comes to children and animals, and I believe in choice and freedom and happiness, especially where my kids are concerned.

When they wanted a rabbit to live inside I said sure and Chestnut became part of the family.

When they wanted chickens, and our first flock arrived unexpectantly early one winter, before a coop was built and the ground  still frozen, they lived in a bedroom. I was ok with that..sort of.

When they wanted a duckling and wanted it to live in the great room, of course it did...for awhile.

There was a day we had no dogs and the next day we had two dogs, and one was a puppy. The sweet grandbaby had allergies, and of course the dogs could come live with us.

And just recently, when they wanted a kitten I said yes, and instead got two kittens. I don't know how that happened, but the kids couldn't be happier, plus what's one more?

I am that mom that believe in my children and their choices and their happiness. I believe that animals and people belong together and caring for other living beings teaches us alot about our own selves. 

I am that mom that values people over posessions and believe a house is meant to be lived in and used to its maximum potential by the people who reside in it, whether a duck is waddling across the wooden floor or a kitten is knocking over a lamp.  It's the connections and the happiness that matters. I am that mom. 

This post is part of the impromptu Blog Carnival "I am that Mom" started by Ronnie  and inspired by Flo.

  Go HERE   to read more. and be sure to read all the links in the comment section.


Ronnie said...

Lovely post, Marcia!

Flo said...

This is such a unique take on this carnival. Definitely speaking to me as my kids want a dog and I've been holding off because the responsibility feels like such a burden I don't need right now. The cat is kind of enough for me. Hmmm...

Cap'n Franko said...

Lovely and a delightful take on this theme!

Sarah said...

You sound like a *fun* mom! We've had bum lambs in our house when it's too cold outside.

dharmamama said...

I really love this post!

Michelle said...

I totally agree!

Elisha said...

I love this! The stuff kids learn from loving animals is the really, really important kind of stuff.

Wildflowerhouse said...

I think we are a ot alike. At one time I had one cockateil brought home because it was found on a job site my son was working on, one very abandoned cat who blessed us with 9 kittens, one domestic abandoned bunny who was found while my son was hiking,and dogs (yes that was plural).I loved and love them all including my son who now lives in a "no pet allowed" apartment. LoL Life's grand to say the least.

Wildflowerhouse said...

I forgot to tell you that I plant heather with the lavender for year round color and the heather holds the lavender in place when we get the high winds. Thanks for the visit.

Sherry Blue Sky said...

I love it that you are that mom - your kids are not only lucky, but their faces show their happiness and well-being because you are that mom! Good job! (Moms dont get told that a whole lot!) I love the idea of ducks waddling across the floor, dogs and kittens and baby chicks.......can I come live there too? hee hee.Thanks for your kind comment on my site, I so apreciate it.

Cheryl said...

I can't quite get the image of the duckling wandering around your house, out of my head. The childhood memory stays longer than the effort of clearing up.

I like the tip about heather and lavender. I'm about to plant both those plants. So timely.

TwigandToadstool said...

Beautiful post! Your kids are lucky to have you!
xo maureen